A Pizza The Action | Papa John’s New Papa’s Deep Crust Pizza
Pizza is one our favourite foods by far; it’s such a classic takeaway. So when Papa John’s contacted us to review their new Papa’s Deep Crust we couldn’t say no! Upon opening the pizza box, we were amazed at just how thick the base really was. We were expecting the base to be only a little thicker than the normal base. They really are nearly double the thickness of the regular base.
Originally I was quite worried with the idea of the deep crust as I assumed it would make the pizza too dry. Charlotte and I both thought there wouldn’t be enough topping in comparison to the enormous amount of bread. Luckily the people over at Papa John’s had already thought of this problem and implemented an extra cup of cheese to every pizza. In addition to this a new and improved tomato sauce has also been developed specially for this base. This really helps keep every bite juicy with consistent flavour and the right amount of topping.
Much to Charlotte’s delight, the two pizza toppings we tested were margarita and pepperoni, her two favourites! As the fussy one, simple foods and flavours will always satisfy her needs, but as the adventurous type, I would rather have had a more complex and interesting selection of toppings to see how they stack up with the thicker base. This was not a necessity for me to enjoy the pizza, it just a personal opinion.
There was one criticism though, we couldn’t help but notice is the large amount of oil used in the cooking of the pizza. This buttery taste was a little overpowering and after a while became quite distracting, drawing us away from the rest of the flavours.
That said, if you’re thinking of hosting a family night-in then the new Papa’s Deep Crust is an interesting and welcome addition of the Papa John’s range. This base has already launched and its now on special offer until 26th of November priced from £10.99.
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The pizzas were supplied by Papa John’s.
This does not affect our review in any way.
We always write with complete honesty.